Chaos Seeds Wiki

Know This! Every creature is born with a finite potential. This is mirrored by the Threshold, a severe plateau of their leveling speed. This occurs because lower-tiered beings are constrained by the small amount of energy they can contain. After this point, while leveling is not impossible, it is substantially more difficult. Your race, human, has a Threshold of forty-five, one of the lowest among mortal sapient races.

Your situation is different than most mortals, however. While most believe the Threshold the end of their journey, the truth is far more complex. It should be understood that every level adds power to an individual. The tangible effects of adding Attribute Points and other bonuses are only side effects of that growing power. Each level adds to your cohesive being. You are not merely a collection of body, mind and soul. You are also intent, consciousness and many other aspects. Increasing your level allows these various elements to coalesce into a Power Core. This powerful yet intangible focus provides the opportunity to ascend past your Threshold to a higher tier of existence.

Know This! Few ever reach their Threshold. Of those who do, even less form a Core strong enough to ascend past this hidden goal, but you have done so. Your potential will not be limited! Instead, it now has the possibility of being unlocked. For the few who actualize their Core, even fewer can use it for its true purpose: Ascendance!

To evolve, one must not only form a Core, but also possess the Potential to achieve a higher form. Potential can be created by pursuing any number of paths, but most beings lack a true avenue upon reaching their Threshold. Learn this truth of The Land and all reality: it is the application of Power, not Power itself, which matters. Pity those who increased their level without consideration for their Potential!

Choose your path.

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